Pre-PPI saves a lot of expense
Being in the heart of the teeming Southern California market, there are always dozens – if not hundreds – of Porsches I know of for sale within a 75 mile radius. I routinely inspect many cars on my own and know many sellers and/or the shops they use personally. This often allows me access not available to others, which can be a major advantage for distant buyers who may not discover misrepresentations or concealed issues until a car arrives in front of their house.
This never needs to happen to you. Buying is always about having appropriate expectations. I can help do that. For a minimum charge of $350 for a pre-PPI, I can tell you whether proceeding to a mechanics inspection including compression and leakdown testing is merited. Although distance adds cost, a pre-PPI is cheap insurance.
In one recent instance, I was asked to go see a 993 50 miles South — which I was willing to do — but I examined photos of the car carefully and spotted enough issues that it was clear that it was not the car for my (distant) buyer. I did not charge the prospect for warning him off. Sometimes, photos are all I need.
Buyers are at a great disadvantage in negotiations because they are (hopefully) emotionally involved. If they are not local, they are doubly disadvantaged. I have negotiated purchases for buyers all over the world, and accompanied local buyers as well.
I do charge to help close a deal on a car, and it’s hard to say how much, since it could conceivably be $1500 in a worst case scenario but can be as little as $500.
Having said that, there is often no net cost to you and sometimes a significant advantage – as it was for Hugo C. of NY who saved $3500 off the asking price of a car he found in Southern California – partly because I was here in person to negotiate on his behalf. I can’t always negotiate a price thousands less than you might be able to get, but I will always try.
Because of my reputation as a fair and knowledgeable observer of the Porsche marketplace, I am often presented with cars that will be for sale – days; weeks or even months before they are publicized. This is obviously an advantage for people who work with me. I have had searches go on for 1-2 years as I look for the exact car for the buyer. I have had people want the very car that I was offered within 24 hours. It’s a small market, and not predictable.
Porsches are not commodities. They have never represented more than 0.25% of the automobile market in the US. In addition, there is an array of models, chassis configurations, colors and equipment options that make it difficult to talk about a “market” like you could a ’69 Mustang, for instance.
The car you want may be out there. I cannot guarantee to find it, but dealing with me will give you an advantage. There’s generally no cost to have me look for a Porsche for you.
I will be honest about what you are likely to pay and the issues you are likely to face. With the right car, I may be able to recommend work the car needs immediately, and likely find a resource for you.
let me find a buyer for you
Many collectors prefer a “quiet sale.” This means the community is not talking (gossiping) about your car and you are not getting tire kickers, dreamers and lowballers wasting your time.
i can do appraisals
If you have come to the decision to sell your Porsche, I can give you a market assessment and perhaps even “matchmake” you with a buyer. On a time-available basis, i will do basic consulting on value for no charge.
Want to build a hot rod? Want to restore your car? Want to upgrade the exterior, interior, chassis, wheels? I’ve done it. I know the ins and outs. I know the good resources. I can help.
It’s your car. Perhaps you want it to handle better. Perhaps you want an ‘outlaw’ look. Perhaps you want some ‘satanic details’ to make your car esthetically pleasing. Likely I know where you can get it done or who the best suppliers are.
In many cases, Porsche buyers desire to reverse modifications made in an earlier era when our cars were far less valuable. I have many resources for that, as well.
Have questions about what to do with your car? Have questions about buying a car? Have questions about a particular dealer or service provider? Contact me. Advice is free, subject to available time.
I have been asked to look at Mercedes SLs, BMW 3 and 5 series, vintage Mustangs and other American hot rods. I have “spotty” expertise in these cars, but I have knowledgeable resources to help me point out marque-specific issues and I’ll let you know what I’m prepared to do — just ask.
What you pay for is yours.
With any of the above services, the reports I make for you for compensation are yours.
If you decide not to buy a car on which I have performed a pre-PPI, you retain exclusive ownership of the information unless you release it.
Conversely, if I provide information about a car to you without charge, it may be shared freely with others. The only limitation is that any report I make to you about the seller or any third party involved is not to be shared.